July 05, 2011

On the Taste of Words

Writing anything beneath the title of this blog is a challenge. With such a meaningful name and so strong personal attachment to the idea behind the name, I am left thinking that the words that follow must also have meaning and thought behind them. An idea lurks into my mind and I set out to spill it into letters, only to stop moments later, the original thought replaced by the question of whether it is worthy of this name.

Horas Lucidas...

I've never studied Latin, but it has always given me goosebumps. A language, dead, but still so alive. It is strange that a language can exist to such an extent within our daily lives without us giving it more thought. We all know hundreds and thousands of words that have at least their roots in it. It feels like it is a language of meaning. That's why I used it.

My original thought for the name was "Realization of moments". The way everyone has a subjective way of living through a moment, experiencing it, putting the experiences together in their personal context and maybe bothering to translate the result into words that other people might read or hear and make their own connections and conclusions from that.

I asked a friend who had studied Latin if he had any ideas for a translation. He came up with a bunch, each with a slightly different meaning as well as a different taste and sound. We know quite well which one I chose. Horas Lucidas. Lucid Hours. But not just that, for an hour is just a measure for a moments length and lucid can mean so many things. For me it is not just clarity. It is being truly present in a moment, feeling it and existing in it, aware of it and conscious of it. Those moments are the ones worth translating into words and writing down or saying out loud. In those moments, we know the beauty of being alive.

Just saying the name sends shivers down my spine. It has a taste of meaning, even though the concept of meaning is an illusion in itself.